We are committed to investing in a way that delivers the right outcomes for our clients while also reducing harm and
creating benefits for people and the environment wherever possible. At Yarra, we have developed positions on sustainability topics that impact our portfolios and our business and have outlined our current areas of focus below.
Climate change
We acknowledge that humans have contributed to the accelerated
warming of our planet, and that climate change is a material issue for our society and for businesses. We believe that investors have a responsibility and critical role to play in achieving global emissions reductions goals.
Read our position statement
Human rights and modern slavery
Upholding human rights is not just the right thing to do. When companies violate human rights, they are introducing financial risk into investing. We believe that investors have an obligation to proactively seek to identify and manage human rights and modern slavery risks within their portfolios.
Read our position statement
An inclusive, high-performing workplace
We believe that companies and their investors benefit from employing
people with different backgrounds, skills and experience. That’s why our
research seeks to determine whether companies are striving to create an environment where their people feel safe, have mutual respect, and are free to make choices about their lives without judgement or penalty.
Nature and biodiversity
A healthy natural environment, resilient ecosystems and thriving
biodiversity underpin all life and a functioning global economy. As
investors, we also know that the intersection between the health of nature and other complex issues (e.g. climate change) means that we must manage our dependencies and impacts across multiple areas.
Read our position statement