Michael Steele, Small Caps Co-Portfolio Manager, sits down with Ausbiz’s Andrew Geoghegan to discuss the potential outlook for small cap stocks particularly those in the mining sector. Amidst current macroeconomic uncertainty and depressed share prices, he sights an opportunity to invest in these lower tier stocks.
20 Oct 2023
Michael Steele, Small Caps Co-Portfolio Manager, sits down with Ausbiz’s Andrew Geoghegan to discuss the potential outlook for small cap stocks particularly those in the mining sector. Amidst current macroeconomic uncertainty and depressed share prices, he sights an opportunity to invest in these lower tier stocks.
05 Apr 2017
Yarra Capital adds to Fixed Income team
Victorian Funds Management Corporation (VFMC) senior credit portfolio manager Phil Strano will join Yarra Capital Management as a senior investment...
1 minute read
14 Nov 2016
Warning on capital investment drought
One of the nation’s top fund managers has warned that a crisis of confidence among top sharemarket-listed company boards stopping...
1 minute read