Yarra Global Share

Discover quality global companies with high and sustainable return profiles.

Our Global Share Fund is managed by Nikko Asset Management Europe. The Fund aims to deliver stronger outperformance by actively pursuing future quality. Rigorous research and analysis aims to identify businesses already delivering – or on a path to – superior and sustainable returns.

Looking forward

The Fund seeks businesses that can attain and sustain high returns on invested capital. The team targets undervalued companies to deliver better performance for shareholders over the long term.

High conviction

The investment team’s high conviction investment ideas are reflected via a concentrated portfolio, targeting an active share of 80–95%. The strategy is benchmark and style agnostic.

Deep experience

With an average 15 years of experience, Nikko AM’s Global Equity Team are seasoned investors. Benefit from their proven experience and skills in portfolio research, construction, and management.

UNIT PRICE 03 March 2025




Gross Performance
% per month % per annum since inception
1 3 1 3 5 10
Yarra Global Share Strategy 2.60% 11.66% 35.48% 13.63% 14.67% 14.89% 9.43%
MSCI All Countries World Index (with net dividends reinvested) expressed in AUD (unhedged) 2.59% 9.93% 27.94% 12.89% 12.61% 12.32% 8.08%
Relative Return 0.00% 1.73% 7.54% 0.75% 2.06% 2.57% 1.36%
Net Performance
31 January 2025
% per month % per annum since inception
1 3 1 3 5 10
Yarra Global Share Fund 2.52% 11.38% 34.05% 12.59% 13.63% 13.75% 9.13%
MSCI All Countries World Index (with net dividends reinvested) expressed in AUD (unhedged) 2.59% 9.93% 27.94% 12.89% 12.61% 12.32% 8.08%
Relative Return -0.08% 1.45% 6.11% -0.30% 1.03% 1.43% 1.05%

How we invest

The Manager (Nikko Asset Management Europe) operates a flat structure where all Portfolio Managers have a dual role that combines responsibilities for investment analysis and portfolio management. This structure enhances the Future Quality investment process by ensuring colleagues can engage in an open atmosphere of vigorous debate and constructive deliberation around ideas and research.

Identify Future Quality

The Manager applies a rigorous Four-Pillar framework to assess the merits of each investment opportunity: (1) Franchise; (2) Management; (3) Balance Sheet; and (4) Valuation.

Analyse ESG factors

Critical analysis ensures the Manager understands the ESG opportunities, issues and characteristics influencing potential holdings. Their impact on a company’s risk-return potential is key to this process.

Differentiated portfolios

The Manager works to create differentiated portfolios of exciting and sustainable investments through a proven process focused on Idea Generation, Fundamental Research and Peer Challenge.

Investment summary

Inception Date

November 1995

Unit Pricing


Investment Horizon

5+ years

Distribution Frequency


Minimum Initial Investment


No. of Holdings

Generally 40-60

Management Fees

0.99% p.a.



Buy/Sell Spread

+/- 0.15%


092 026 269

Investment summary

Inception Date

November 1995

Management Fees

By negotiation

Investment Horizon

5+ years

No. of Holdings

Generally 40-60

We proudly partner with Future Generation Australia, a social impact investment organisation that supports children and youth at risk.

Managed by Yarra since 2018, this strategy is available through the UBS Australian Small Companies Fund


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For more information on how to invest in this Fund, please contact your financial adviser.