Our Products

Global Equities

Our actively managed Global Equities strategies seek to deliver outperformance over long time horizons.

We are proud to partner with Nikko Asset Management, Goldman Sachs AM and ARK Invest, three leading global investment management firms providing high-conviction, active investment products.

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Identifying and capturing future quality

Investing in the future today

Unlocking small-cap opportunities on a global scale


MSCI All Countries World Index (with net dividends reinvested) expressed in A$ (unhedged)

No benchmark

MSCI World Small Cap Index net of dividend withholding taxes, measured in A$

Investment objective

To achieve capital growth over the long-term, with total returns (before fees, expenses and taxes) 3% above the MSCI All Countries World Index (with net dividends reinvested) expressed in A$ (unhedged) over rolling three-year periods

To achieve a target average total return (before fees, expenses and taxes) of 10% to 15% per annum over a rolling five-year period

To achieve medium-to-long-term capital growth through exposure to smaller companies globally. In doing so, the aim is to outperform the MSCI World Small Cap Index net of dividend withholding taxes, measured in A$, over rolling three-year periods

Typical number of stocks

40 – 60

45 – 65

150 – 550

Recommended investment time frame

5+ years

7+ years

5-7+ years

Risk level


Very high


Inception date

November 1995

August 2018

November 1999

Further information

All of the above funds are subject to a minimum investment of $10,000, except for the Yarra Global Small Companies Fund which is subject to a minimum investment of $50,000. There is no guarantee that these objectives will be met.

The above funds are separately available to institutional clients. Please contact a member of the Firm’s Client Team.

General Advice Disclaimer

Yarra Funds Management Limited (ABN 63 005 885 567, AFSL 230 251) (‘YFML’) is the issuer and responsible entity of the range of registered managed investment schemes described on this website (‘Funds’). YFML is not licensed to provide personal financial product advice to retail clients. The information provided on this website contains general financial product advice only. The advice has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Therefore, before acting on any advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice in light of your own or your client’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Prior to investing in any of the Funds, you should obtain and consider the product disclosure statement (‘PDS’) for the relevant Fund by contacting our Investor Services team on 1800 034 494 or from our website at www.yarracm.com/pdsupdates. The information set out in this website has been prepared in good faith and while YFML and its related bodies corporate (together, the “Yarra Capital Management Group”) reasonably believe the information and opinions to be current, accurate, or reasonably held at the time of publication, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the Yarra Capital Management Group: (a) makes no warranty as to the content’s accuracy or reliability; and (b) accepts no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from any errors, omissions, or information that is not up to date.

Before using any of the financial services offered by Yarra Funds Management Limited, you should read our Financial Services Guide (FSG). This has been prepared to assist you in deciding to use any of the financial services offered by us. We are required to provide you with an FSG if we provide certain financial services to you as a retail client.