Fixed Income and Multi-Asset

Yarra Income Plus Fund

The Yarra Income Plus Fund aims to deliver regular income and to achieve medium-term capital growth over a 3-5 year time horizon.

Reasons to consider investing

Tactical Positioning

The strategic blend of different income-generating asset classes ensures the Fund achieves high levels of income distribution while reducing capital volatility.

Opportunity for Capital Growth & Income Enhancement

Returns are enhanced by including high yield asset classes and assets that offer the potential for capital growth over the business cycle.

Strong Risk Focus

The diversified approach reduces concentration risk. Single name exposure risk is reduced with the Fund holding between 80-120 securities.

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Investment objective
To invest across a range of asset classes with the aim of delivering regular and stable income, as well as providing capital growth over the medium term. In doing so, the aim is to outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Bill Index over rolling three-year periods
Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
Potential for capital growth
Low / Medium
Recommended investment timeframe
Medium term 3-5 years
Inception date
May 1998

Building blocks of the Yarra Income Plus Fund

      Minimum Allocation % Maximum Allocation % Strategic Asset Allocation^ %
DEFENSIVE: 60% The Fund has a highly liquid core of cash and fixed interest which provides liquidity and minimises risk to capital. Cash 5 100 40
Australian Fixed Income 0 50 20
HIGH INCOME: 25% The Fund gains credit exposure through holdings in investment grade credit and diversified credit. Australian Hybrid and Floating Rate Securities 0 40 15
Diversified Credit 0 20 10
GROWTH & INFLATION SENSITIVITY: 15% The potential for growth is introduced into the portfolio via the inclusion of income-focused real assets. Property, Infrastructure and Utilities Securities 0 25 15

Net returns as at 31 May 2024

1 Mth
3 Mths
1 Yr
3 Yrs
% p.a.
5 Yrs
% p.a.
10 Yrs
% p.a.
% p.a.
Yarra Income Plus Fund* 0.71 1.19 6.30 3.28 2.67 3.58 5.37
Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index 0.37 1.10 4.32 2.32 1.59 1.85 3.85
Excess Return* 0.34 0.09 1.98 0.97 1.08 1.73 1.52

* The total returns shown are prepared on an exit to exit basis – they include all ongoing fees and expenses and assume reinvestment of all distributions. Excess Return is the difference between the Fund’s net return and its benchmark. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Investment Insights

Latest monthly commentary – May 2024
Latest quarterly commentary – March 2024

Fund Facts

Open to New Investors: Yes
ARSN: 090 047 635
APIR Code: JBW0016AU
Distribution Frequency: Quarterly
Minimum investment: 10,000.00AUD
Unit pricing: Daily
Management cost (ICR) (p.a.): 0.68% p.a.
Buy/sell spread: +/- 0.10%
Fund ratings: Contact a member of the Firm’s Client Team to discuss ratings in further detail.
Platforms for this fund

Invest Now

Apply online
Product Disclosure Statement
Target Market Determination

Note: Effective 11 October 2023, changes have been made to the application process for our Funds. Refer here for further information.

Institutional investors wanting further information on the Yarra Income Plus Strategy should contact a member of the Firm’s Client Team.

Further Information

Important Additional Information
Important Updates (none at this time)


^ SAA is reviewed annually and may be altered