Fixed Income and Multi-Asset

Yarra Higher Income Fund

The Yarra Higher Income Fund (formerly the Yarra Absolute Credit Fund) seeks to earn higher returns than traditional fixed income investments, with regular and stable income.


The Fund offers investors access to typically 50 – 100 Australian domiciled securities and can provide diversification to traditional asset classes.

The Fund’s large investment universe enables the construction of a highly diversified portfolio, with its underlying investments spanning: corporate bonds (investment grade and high yield), syndicated loans, mortgage and asset-backed securities, covered bonds, hybrid securities, cash and cash equivalents.

Regular, stable income

Distributions are paid monthly and can either be reinvested in additional units in the Fund or can be paid by direct credit to a nominated bank or financial institution account.

A flexible, actively managed portfolio

The Fund holds a multi-sector credit portfolio, with the aim to meaningfully shift exposure wherever, in our view, the best risk-adjusted opportunities can be found.

The Fund blends higher risk-adjusted returns across both liquid and less liquid segments, with a strong home bias, predominantly in the Australian credit market, hedged back to generate an Australian dollar floating rate portfolio.

In general, the Fund aims to have an average Investment Grade Rating.

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Investment objective
To earn higher returns than traditional fixed income investments (over the medium-to-long term) by investing in a highly diversified floating rate portfolio of predominantly Australian domiciled credit securities
Potential for capital growth
Low / Medium
Recommended investment timeframe
3 years or more
Inception date
October 2018

Net returns as at 31 May 2024

1 Mth
3 Mths
6 Mths
1 Yr
2 Yrs
% p.a.
% p.a.
Yarra Higher Income Fund 0.66 2.10 4.75 10.09 7.42 4.32
RBA Cash Rate Index# 0.36 1.08 2.16 4.25 3.44 1.56
Excess Return* 0.30 1.02 2.59 5.84 3.98 2.75

* The total returns shown are prepared on an exit to exit basis – they include all ongoing fees and expenses and assume reinvestment of all distributions. Excess Return is the difference between the Fund’s net return and its benchmark, not including franking. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. # The RBA Cash Rate is being used for comparative purposes only. The underlying assets of the Fund are of a higher risk profile than cash assets. When comparing performance of the Fund against the RBA Cash Rate, investors should take this into account.

Note: Effective 15 March 2022, the name of this Fund was changed from the Yarra Absolute Credit Fund to the Yarra Higher Income Fund. While this decision followed a review of the Fund’s positioning within the Australian market, there has been no change to the Fund’s investment strategy or management costs. Refer here for further information.

Investment Insights

Latest monthly commentary – May 2024
Latest quarterly commentary – March 2024

Fund Facts

Open to new investors: Yes
ARSN: 628 168 061
APIR Code: JBW4379AU
Distribution Frequency: Monthly
Minimum investment: 10,000.00AUD
Unit pricing: Daily
Buy/sell spread: +/- 0.10%
Management cost (ICR) ( p.a.): 0.65%
Fund ratings: Contact a member of the Firm’s Client Team to discuss ratings in further detail
Platforms for this fund

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Product Disclosure Statement
Target Market Determination

Note: Effective 11 October 2023, changes have been made to the application process for our Funds. Refer here for further information.

Institutional investors wanting further information on the Yarra Higher Income Strategy should contact a member of the Firm’s Client Team.