Fixed Income and Multi-Asset

Yarra Enhanced Income Fund

The Yarra Enhanced Income Fund seeks to deliver higher returns to investors than traditional cash management and fixed income investments.


The Fund offers investors access to typically 60 – 100 securities and can provide diversification to traditional asset classes.

Regular, stable income

Income distributions are paid monthly and may be partially franked. Some securities held by the Fund may have tax-deferred features so that part of the distributions paid by the Fund may be tax-deferred.

Active management

The underlying investments are actively managed to achieve optimal risk/reward outcomes of the Fund.

On average, assets within the Fund have an Investment Grade Rating.

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Investment objective

To earn higher returns than traditional cash management and fixed income investments (over the medium-to-long term) through exposure to a diversified portfolio of hybrid (debt/equity) and fixed income securities. The Fund is expected to produce less volatile returns than are inherent in equity markets, while offering modest capital growth and some franking credits.

Potential for capital growth

Low / Medium

Recommended investment timeframe

Medium term 3-5 years

Inception date

June 2003

Net returns as at 31 May 2024

1 Mth
3 Mths
1 Yr
3 Yrs
% p.a.
5 Yrs
% p.a.
10 Yrs
% p.a.
% p.a.
Yarra Enhanced Income Fund 0.82 1.89 9.17 4.54 4.30 4.79 5.39
Yarra Enhanced Income Fund (incl. franking) 0.83 1.94 9.33 4.65 4.40 5.12 5.98
RBA Cash Rate Index# 0.36 1.08 4.25 2.32 1.57 1.68 3.26
Excess Return* 0.47 0.86 5.08 2.33 2.82 3.44 2.72

* The total returns shown are prepared on an exit to exit basis – they include all ongoing fees and expenses and assume reinvestment of all distributions. Excess Return is the difference between the Fund’s net return and its benchmark, including franking. Returns inclusive of franking credits are calculated by attributing a cash value to each franking credit, and assuming that amount is re-invested, along with all other distributions. Figures including franking credits should not be relied upon as an exact indication of performance or be compared to returns of other managed funds which do not include amounts for franking credits. The level of franking of distributions may vary. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. # The RBA Cash Rate is being used for comparative purposes only. The underlying assets of the Fund are of a higher risk profile than cash assets. When comparing performance of the Fund against the RBA Cash Rate, investors should take this into account.

Investment Insights

Latest monthly commentary – May 2024
Latest quarterly commentary – March 2024

Fund Facts

Open to new investors: Yes
ARSN: 104 463 336
APIR Code: JBW0018AU
Distribution Frequency: Monthly
Minimum investment: 10,000.00AUD
Unit pricing: Daily
Buy/sell spread: +/- 0.10%
Management cost (ICR) ( p.a.): 0.55%
Fund ratings: Contact a member of the Firm’s Client Team to discuss ratings in further detail
Platforms for this fund

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Product Disclosure Statement
Target Market Determination

Note: Effective 11 October 2023, changes have been made to the application process for our Funds. Refer here for further information.

Institutional investors wanting further information on the Yarra Enhanced Income Strategy should contact a member of the Firm’s Client Team.

Further Information

Important Additional Information
Important Updates (none at this time)

General Advice Disclaimer

Yarra Funds Management Limited (ABN 63 005 885 567, AFSL 230 251) (‘YFML’) is the issuer and responsible entity of the range of registered managed investment schemes described on this website (‘Funds’). YFML is not licensed to provide personal financial product advice to retail clients. The information provided on this website contains general financial product advice only. The advice has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Therefore, before acting on any advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice in light of your own or your client’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Prior to investing in any of the Funds, you should obtain and consider the product disclosure statement (‘PDS’) for the relevant Fund by contacting our Investor Services team on 1800 034 494 or from our website at The information set out in this website has been prepared in good faith and while YFML and its related bodies corporate (together, the “Yarra Capital Management Group”) reasonably believe the information and opinions to be current, accurate, or reasonably held at the time of publication, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the Yarra Capital Management Group: (a) makes no warranty as to the content’s accuracy or reliability; and (b) accepts no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from any errors, omissions, or information that is not up to date.

Before using any of the financial services offered by Yarra Funds Management Limited, you should read our Financial Services Guide (FSG). This has been prepared to assist you in deciding to use any of the financial services offered by us. We are required to provide you with an FSG if we provide certain financial services to you as a retail client.