Whilst the hunt for opportunities is enjoyable, there is nothing like the validation of getting it right – particularly when you’ve taken a different view to the market. In his rapid fire interview with Livewire earlier this month, Dion Hershan shares his hot take on markets, why validation reigns supreme and discusses the stocks and sectors he is liking (as well as those he is underweight).
11 Apr 2024
Whilst the hunt for opportunities is enjoyable, there is nothing like the validation of getting it right – particularly when you’ve taken a different view to the market. In his rapid fire interview with Livewire earlier this month, Dion Hershan shares his hot take on markets, why validation reigns supreme and discusses the stocks and […]
09 Apr 2020
The V-shape recession and recovery
Tim Toohey, Head and Macro and Strategy at Yarra Capital Management, speaks with Alan Kohler about the COVID-19 pandemic, including...
3 minute read
04 Dec 2023
Microcaps: Copper a key piece of the puzzle
Joel Fleming, Microcaps Portfolio Manager, sits down with Ausbiz’s Andrew Geoghegan to talk through the current conditions facing the Australian...
1 minute read