Looking For A Small Fortune?

Invest in an award-winning Australian small caps strategy.

Our Australian Smaller Companies Strategy invests in companies listed on the ASX that we believe will provide solid and consistent risk-adjusted returns with strong capital growth. Our dedicated small cap team undertakes detailed proprietary research to identify market inefficiencies where more hidden value can be captured.

We dig deeper

We undertake rigorous fundamental and bottom-up research across industries, companies, products,
competitors and regulators to better understand opportunities. ESG is an integral pillar of this process.

Uncover hidden value

With an exclusive focus on small companies, our team identifies quality businesses with strong management teams, sound balance sheets, and strong cash flow generation that we believe are underpriced.

A finely balanced approach

Our style-neutral approach avoids growth or value bias in stock selection and portfolio construction. We balance risk and reward to help deliver a more consistent performance through market cycles.

Gross Performance
% per month % per annum since inception
1 3 1 3 5 10
Yarra Australian Smaller Companies Strategy 0.25% 3.67% 9.90% 5.32% 9.87% NA 12.40%
S&P ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index -2.80% -1.46% 7.33% 2.13% 5.56% NA 6.81%
Relative Return 3.05% 5.13% 2.56% 3.19% 4.31% NA 5.59%

Monthly Commentary


Quarterly Commentary

Net Performance
28 February 2025
% per month % per annum since inception
1 3 1 3 5 10
Yarra Australian Smaller Companies Fund 0.19% 3.45% 8.97% 4.20% NA NA 9.13%
S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index -2.80% -1.46% 7.33% 2.13% NA NA 5.15%
Relative Return 2.98% 4.91% 1.64% 2.07% NA NA 3.97%

Monthly Commentary


Quarterly Commentary


How we invest

We aim to deliver strong and consistent returns using proprietary research and a balanced portfolio construction process. A higher-conviction strategy targets consistent performance over the medium to long term. This approach has consistently outperformed its benchmark since inception in 2016.

Differentiated insights

Our proprietary research looks at companies from every angle. More than 2,500 meetings each year with management, customers and industry experts shape the insights that help us identify opportunities.

Deep thinking

Investment decisions aren’t made lightly. We analyse, test and review our differentiated insights. We apply proprietary cash flow and valuation models, overlayed with macroeconomic data and forecasts.

ESG matters

They’re not just a ‘nice to have’. ESG principles are ingrained in the way we research, invest and deliver. Importantly, they are essential to our detailed risk management framework.

Investment summary

Inception Date

August 2020

Management Fees

Contact us

No. of Holdings

Generally 30-60

Investment horizon

Long term (5-7+ years)

Investment summary

Inception Date

May 2016

Management Fees

By negotiation

No. of Holdings

Generally 30-60

Investment horizon

Long term (5-7+ years)

Head of Australian Equities Research

Katie Hudson

Co-Portfolio Manager

Smallcap Equities

Michael Steele

Our award winning approach to small cap investing has generated significant outperformance since inception.

Managed by Yarra since 2018, this strategy is available through the UBS Australian Small Companies Fund


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For more information on how to invest in this Fund, please contact your financial adviser.