Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Target regular income and capital growth with a diverse suite of assets.

The Yarra Income Plus Fund aims to deliver regular income and to achieve medium-term capital growth by investing in a strategic blend of different income-generating asset classes. This broad diversity helps to reduce capital volatility while returns are improved by including high yield asset classes and securities.

Diversified income

The Fund’s mix of income-generating assets, including securities, bonds and select equities, aims to provide a diversified income stream and reduces reliance on any single security.

Capital preservation

By focusing on high-quality income producing investments, the Fund is well suited to investors
seeking to preserve capital while generating consistent returns.

Experienced team

The Fund’s dedicated portfolio managers bring almost 70 years’ experience in investment markets,
supported by a fixed income team of 10 investment professionals.

UNIT PRICE 27 March 2025




Gross Performance
% per month % per annum since inception
1 3 1 3 5 10
Yarra Income Plus Strategy 0.27% 1.20% 6.98% 5.27% 3.77% 4.32% 6.16%
Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index 0.34% 1.10% 4.48% 3.44% 2.10% 1.97% 3.86%
Relative Return -0.06% 0.10% 2.50% 1.84% 1.67% 2.35% 2.30%
Net Performance
28 February 2025
% per month % per annum since inception
1 3 1 3 5 10
Yarra Income Plus Fund 0.22% 1.03% 6.26% 4.56% 3.07% 3.62% 5.41%
Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index 0.34% 1.10% 4.48% 3.44% 2.10% 1.97% 3.86%
Relative Return -0.12% -0.07% 1.78% 1.13% 0.97% 1.64% 1.54%

How we invest

To deliver consistent income through market cycles, we hold a blend of fixed income securities, hybrids and equities. Rigorous research, analysis and an active management approach means we can take advantage of market inefficiencies to capture attractive risk adjusted returns across cycles. Our diversified portfolio provides defensive protection by avoiding over-allocation to any individual security or asset class.

We dig deeper

Our bottom-up, fundamental research incorporates detailed analysis on Australian fixed income, hybrids, credit, property, utilities and infrastructure securities.

Flexible mandate

Our Portfolio Managers tactically blend and adjust the Fund’s strategic asset allocation based on their assessment of the best available risk adjusted opportunities.

Strict risk controls

The portfolio is constructed within a framework that defines strict limits for each asset class, ensuring that it is diversified and best placed to meet its investment objective.

Investment summary

Inception Date

May 1998

Unit Pricing


Investment Horizon

Medium term 3-5 years

Distribution Frequency


Minimum Initial Investment


No. of Holdings

Generally 80-120

Management Fees

0.68% p.a.


090 047 635

Buy/Sell Spread

+/- 0.10%



Investment summary

Inception Date

May 1998

Management Fees

By negotiation

Investment Horizon

Medium term 3-5 years

No. of Holdings

Generally 80-120

Co-Head of Australian Fixed Income

Roy Keenan

Head of Macro and Strategy

Tim Toohey

Our Income Plus capability delivered investors a 6.72% return (net of fees) for the 12 months to 31 December 2024 3.

Managed by Yarra since 2018, this strategy is available through the UBS Australian Small Companies Fund


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For more information on how to invest in this Fund, please contact your financial adviser.