Global Equities

Unlock a world of opportunities with the
best and brightest companies.

We proudly partner with Nikko AM, Goldman Sachs AM and ARK Invest, three leading global investment management firms to offer high-conviction, actively managed opportunities in global equities. Access investment products spanning small and large cap equities and a thematic exposure to disruptive global innovation.

Global Share

A high conviction global equity exposure which invests in ‘Future Quality’ businesses which are under-appreciated by the market.

Global Small Companies

A diverse and balanced portfolio of small companies with big futures, using AI and alternative data to optimise returns.

ARK Global Disruptive Innovation

Access large-scale opportunities resulting from technological innovation such as AI, robotics, and blockchain technology.

Our Global Small Companies Fund has netted a return of 20.93% (after fees) for the 12 months to 30 September 2024.