Growth Experience

Seek greater capital value over the long-term with a diversified local and global portfolio.

The Yarra Growth Fund is a diversified portfolio of Australian and international assets established in 1996 to deliver investors long-term upside on their capital. Benefit from professional active management, diversity across assets and sectors, and a disciplined risk management process.

Growing up

A diversified portfolio of listed Australian and international securities is constructed and managed for long-term capital growth.

Staying active

Asset class exposures are actively managed to seek optimal risk and reward outcomes over rolling five-year time periods.

Consistently nurtured

Our dedicated team of multi-asset investment experts employ a rigorous process for fund selection and management of asset class exposures.

UNIT PRICE 26 March 2025




Gross Performance
% per month % per annum since inception
1 3 1 3 5 10
Yarra Growth Strategy -0.85% 2.16% 15.07% 9.50% 8.44% 7.07% 7.23%
Benchmark* -1.13% 2.08% 14.14% 10.67% 9.70% 8.62% 8.45%
Relative Return 0.28% 0.08% 0.93% -1.17% -1.26% -1.54% -1.21%
Net Performance
28 February 2025
% per month % per annum since inception
1 3 1 3 5 10
Yarra Growth Fund -0.85% 2.16% 15.07% 9.50% 8.44% 7.07% 7.23%
Benchmark* -1.13% 2.08% 14.14% 10.67% 9.70% 8.62% 8.45%
Relative Return 0.28% 0.08% 0.93% -1.17% -1.26% -1.54% -1.21%

How we invest

Our established investment process targets diversification across asset classes and investment managers from a wide universe of listed securities. Asset selection and portfolio management is guided by rigorous research and a disciplined risk-management framework that supports the Fund’s objective to deliver long-term capital growth.

Professional management

Our specialist team has deep experience researching managed third-party investment schemes and other opportunities.

A diversified portfolio

A strategic spread of managed investment schemes and other securities gives the Fund exposure to underlying securities.

Balancing risk and reward

For optimal risk-adjusted returns, asset class exposures have target weights which are actively managed within pre-defined ranges.

Investment summary

Inception Date

February 1996

Buy/Sell Spread

+/- 0.15%

Investment Horizon

Long term 5+ years

Unit Pricing


Minimum Initial Investment


Distribution Frequency


Management Fees

1.15% p.a.



Investment summary

Inception Date

February 1996

Management Fees

By negotiation

Investment Horizon

Long term 5+ years

Distribution Frequency

By negotiation

Senior Portfolio Manager

Charl Marais

Head of Macro and Strategy

Tim Toohey

Yarra's Growth Fund has returned 7.05% p.a. (net of fees) since its inception3.

Managed by Yarra since 2018, this strategy is available through the UBS Australian Small Companies Fund


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For more information on how to invest in this Fund, please contact your financial adviser.